About Us

NGX is a premier manufacturer and supplier of retail business products.  10+ Years of Business experience in billing solutions. Shipped more than 75K products across world. Strong dealer network in India. Resident sales personnel in 8 major cities across India. 50 Employees working across India. Strong Technical knowledge of the product development cycle.

NGX team
NGX billing machine


Retail Business Products

  • Windows & Android based Touch POS machines
  • Android based Mobile Handheld terminal
  • Desktop billing Solutions
  • Android (Smart phone) based Printing solution
  • Bluetooth Printing Solutions
  • Handheld Billing Solutions

Development Boards

Besides retail business products, NGX is also a premier manufacturer and supplier of development tools for the ARM7, ARM Cortex M0, M3 and M4 series of microcontrollers. NGX provides innovative and cost-effective design solutions for embedded systems. We specialize in ARM MCU portfolio, which includes ARM7, Cortex-M0, M3 and M4 microcontrollers.

Our experience with developing evaluation platforms for NXP, Renesas and Toshiba controller enables us to provide solutions with shortened development time thereby ensuring reduced time to market and lower development costs for our customers. Our cost effective and feature rich development tool offering, serves as a testimony for our expertise, cost effectiveness and quality. NGX generates a steady stream of revenues from its technologies and design Services.

84 Authorised NGX dealers throughout India

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